Ramasinta gegerkan kantor gubernur
satu lagi band anak jambi yang mulai mengibarkan sayapnya dikancah musik jambi, terbukti, mereka menggeber alunan-alunan lagu ciptaan sendiri untuk menghibur masyarakat jambi. Ramasinta band, Sabtu(26/07) hibur warga Jambi di depan kantor Gubernur Telanaipura. Heboh, group satu ini sanggup mengundang ratusan penonton, bahkan ibu-ibu dan anak-anak tak ketinggalan menyaksikan gelaran acara ini. Grup band yang belum seumur jagung usianya ini tak mau ikut-ikutan tren pasar. Mereka bertekad menampilkan permaian the best mereka. Andrenalin yang mereka curahkan diatas panggung mampu mencuri perhatian penonton.
"Kami memberikan lagu-lagu yang easy listening, dan bertemakan cinta,"kata Vino, vokalis Ramasinta Band. Dalam jumpa persnya di Abadi Suite kemarin, Vino (vokal/drum), Ewa (backing vocal/keyboard), Danu (bas), Bella (Rapper/gitar) dan Opi (vokal) secara bersama-sama menyatakan bahwa mereka tak mau setengah-setengah membentuk grup band.
Diakui Vino bahwa grupnya ini baru benar-benar terbentuk sekitar setahun lalu. "Sebelumnya kami, terutama saya bersama Ewa dan Danu, sudah sering ketemu dan bermain sejak SMP,"kata Vino yang juga putra Kapolda Jambi, Brigjen Pol Budi Gunawan.
Sukses ya Ramasinta......
good luck..
Ramasinta the concert in the governor's Jambi office
It was other that the Jambi band that began to fly his wings the Jambi musical stage, was proven, they vibrated waves of the creation song personally to entertain the Jambi community. Ramasinta the band, on Saturday (26/07) entertained the Jambi resident in front of the office of Governor Jambi, Telanaipura.
Ramasinta the band, on Saturday (26/07) entertained the Jambi resident in front of the office of Governor Telanaipura. Was busy, group one this could invite hundreds of spectators, in fact you and children were not left behind witnessed even this agenda. The group of the band that not yet an age of his age corn did not want slavishly trend the market. They determined put forward they skill the best. Andrenalin that was poured by them on the stage could steal attention of the spectator.
"We gave songs that easy listening, and had the love theme,"Vino spoke, the vocalist Ramasinta Band." In his press conference in Eternal Suite yesterday, Vino (the vowel/the drum), Ewa (backing vocal/keyboard), Danu (the bass), Bella (Rapper/the guitar) and Opi (the vowel) together said that they did not want half of the-half of the formed the group of the band.
ok, good luck....
"Kami memberikan lagu-lagu yang easy listening, dan bertemakan cinta,"kata Vino, vokalis Ramasinta Band. Dalam jumpa persnya di Abadi Suite kemarin, Vino (vokal/drum), Ewa (backing vocal/keyboard), Danu (bas), Bella (Rapper/gitar) dan Opi (vokal) secara bersama-sama menyatakan bahwa mereka tak mau setengah-setengah membentuk grup band.
Diakui Vino bahwa grupnya ini baru benar-benar terbentuk sekitar setahun lalu. "Sebelumnya kami, terutama saya bersama Ewa dan Danu, sudah sering ketemu dan bermain sejak SMP,"kata Vino yang juga putra Kapolda Jambi, Brigjen Pol Budi Gunawan.
Sukses ya Ramasinta......
good luck..
Ramasinta the concert in the governor's Jambi office
It was other that the Jambi band that began to fly his wings the Jambi musical stage, was proven, they vibrated waves of the creation song personally to entertain the Jambi community. Ramasinta the band, on Saturday (26/07) entertained the Jambi resident in front of the office of Governor Jambi, Telanaipura.
Ramasinta the band, on Saturday (26/07) entertained the Jambi resident in front of the office of Governor Telanaipura. Was busy, group one this could invite hundreds of spectators, in fact you and children were not left behind witnessed even this agenda. The group of the band that not yet an age of his age corn did not want slavishly trend the market. They determined put forward they skill the best. Andrenalin that was poured by them on the stage could steal attention of the spectator.
"We gave songs that easy listening, and had the love theme,"Vino spoke, the vocalist Ramasinta Band." In his press conference in Eternal Suite yesterday, Vino (the vowel/the drum), Ewa (backing vocal/keyboard), Danu (the bass), Bella (Rapper/the guitar) and Opi (the vowel) together said that they did not want half of the-half of the formed the group of the band.
ok, good luck....